Rosebud is 8 months old as of 6/1/2023 and weighs 33 lbs., she is a beautiful puppy looking for a new family to call her own. Rosebud loves to play with the other dogs in her foster home, and she likes to play with toys too, she is a super sweet, fun dog!

The adoption fee for Rosebud is $300.00 to reimburse PRN for the medical costs to date, which includes, shots, bordatella, heartworm preventative, deworming, and her spay. Rosebud is micro-chipped and the registration is covered in the adoption fee.

If interested in learning more or adopting, please complete and submit the application below.

  • Adopted 7/4/23
  • Female
  • Lab / Mountain Cur
  • 8 months as of 6/1/2023
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Microchipped