Bunny is 10 weeks old as of 3/18/22 and she and her litter mates are ready for their forever homes, they are adorable, sweet puppies! Bunny is very outgoing and friendly, she loves to play with her litter mates and other friendly dogs in her foster home, she also likes to follow her foster Dad around, she is a very social puppy!
The adoption fee for Bunny is $300.00 to reimburse PRN for the medical costs to date, which includes, shots, bordatella, heartworm preventative, deworming, and spay / neuter when a bit older. Bunny is micro-chipped and the registration is covered in the adoption fee.


If interested in learning more or adopting, please complete and submit the application below.

  • Adopted as of 3/24/22
  • Female
  • Labrador / Black Mouth Cur
  • 10 weeks as of 3/18/22
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spay when a bit older
  • Microchipped