Kelcie is 11 weeks old (Born 12/12/23) and weighs 16 lbs. She was being given away for free on a Walmart parking lot on Superbowl Sunday. Kelcie was the last puppy of the day that needed a home, and we are very happy to have her in our program. Her father is an American Bulldog, and her Mom is a mixed breed dog. She will be a large, sweet dog as an adult. (PRN is working with the family to get Kelcie’s Mom spayed).
The adoption fee for Kelcie is $350.00 to reimburse PRN for the medical costs to date, which includes, shots, bordatella, heartworm preventative, deworming, and her spay when she’s a bit older. Kelcie is micro-chipped and the registration is covered in the adoption fee.
If interested in learning more or adopting, please complete and submit the application below.