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Pet Rescue Network is ALWAYS in need of loving, caring, and committed foster homes. It is a wonderful way to make a postive impact for animals in our community. Fostering can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have in life, so please won’t you consider becoming a foster home?


Our foster homes are our life-line for survival as an animal rescue group. As a foster parent, you are the provider of love and care for these special pets. Many of the pets have been abandoned, abused or neglected. Some need work on socialization; some need to learn to accept kindness which they may have never before experienced; some need to learn what being loved means.

Your input is invaluable for our dog and cat coordinators as they use your insights to help determine the best possible permanent adoptive family for your foster pet. Although it may be difficult to say goodbye as your pet moves to his or her forever family, the gift you have given is immensely valuable.

And, as one pet leaves your loving household, perhaps that space can be filled with another precious cat or dog on his special journey toward his or her forever home.


Pet Rescue Network retains medical responsibility  and pays all incurred health care expenses for all  fostered animals.  All cats and dogs are spayed/neutered and vaccinated. All dogs are screened for heartworms and cats are screened for Feline Leukemia & FIV. PRN works with several local veterinary hospitals.

All medical concerns must first be addressed through the Cat and / or Dog Coordinators. Any medical appointments and treatments must be preapproved, and veterinary care administered through one of PRN’s approved veterinary providers. Some veterinary clinics will require an authorized Pet Rescue Network representative to accompany the foster parent when vet care is administered.

The foster home is typically responsible for transporting their fosters to and from veterinary appointments and adoption weekends. Monthly adoption events are an integral part of the Pet Rescue Network program. If a foster parent will be unable to transport their foster pet, they must notify Coordinators as early as possible. Ideally, the foster parent will stay with the pet to answer questions from potential adopters, although not absolutely mandatory. It is imperative that all pets are freshly groomed, free of any parasites, and in good health.

It is vital that the foster family maintain close communication with the Dog Coordinator, Cat Coordinator, or Bird Coordinator. Coordinators must be immediately informed of any health, behavioral, or placement  issues or concerns. It is so much better to intervene early should problems arise.

Pet Rescue Network generally requests foster families provide for the basic needs of their foster pet without reimbursement (primarily food, toys, and basic supplies, such as food dish, leash, etc). If special circumstances should arise, please discuss this with the Dog or Cat Coordinator. We certainly will explore ways to provide assistance in these areas for our valued foster families and make any needed accomodations.

If you would like more information on fostering an animal in need, or perhaps a chance to chat with an experienced Pet Rescue Network foster family to see what the experience is like, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Our group is comprised entirely of volunteers who are dedicated to the concept of providing a positive impact for animals in our community. Volunteers are vital to the existence of our organization. We would love to welcome your contributions of time, talent, and/or funds. As Pet Rescue Network pets are each housed in a loving foster environment, we cannot provide  opportunities such as dog walking or shelter volunteers. Volunteers providing direct hands on interactions with the animals must be at least 21 years of age.


We are committed to ensuring that our animals maintain the highest level of cleanliness in their grooming. We can always use the volunteer services of experienced groomers.

Many of the pets that come into our program would benefit from training opportunities. We can always use the services of experienced trainers who might provide scholarships for training opportunities.

Professional Photographers
Many of our adoptions occur as the result of online browsing through our website and PetFinder. “A picture says a thousand words,” is so very  true for our animals! Attractive photos, posted on our adoption sites, just might make the difference between a pet being noticed and seriously considered for adoption by a potential family, or simple glossed over. If you are an experienced professional photographer who might volunteer his or her expertise at some of our monthly adoption events, please give us a call.


Public relations, fundraising, marketing, etc: Solicit and secure donations for Pet Rescue Network’s trivia night from area businesses and indivduals; promote and advertise event

Trivia Night: Assist in set up and take down of event, assist in event activities such as raffle ticket sales, silent auction table, refreshment table, scorekeeping, answer scorers, runners, etc.


As a non-profit rescue group, Pet Rescue Network’s survival is based on contributions, adoption fees, and fundraisers.  Many animals come to us with extraordinary needs, and your donations directly help. The entire “staff” of Pet Rescue Network are volunteers, so you can rest assured that every donation directly benefits the animals, and only the animals!

Some Ideas for Fundraiser Events
Perhaps you could organize or host an event and donate the proceeds or portion of the proceeds to help the animals. Some examples of past fundraising events include selling of candy bars at a private business, ongoing recycling project by adoptive family, car wash by church group, bake sale by scout group, Snow Cone / Shaved Ice event by private business, home parties (candles, purses, etc.). We greatly appreciate any size donation, as well as your creative efforts. Contact us if you might be interested.


Stay tuned for upcoming events! We’d love to have you attend our events in the upcoming year. It has been tough to work out the logistics of gatherings through the 2020 pandemic, but we will be hosting events through the 2021 season.


Adoption Events – Regular adoption events held on the first Saturday of the month at Pet Supplies Plus – Warson Woods, 9995 Manchester Rd. 63122

Giving Tuesday – The first Tuesday following Thanksgiving – Next date 12/2/2025

Trivia Night 2025 – Date to be announced

More coming soon



Monthly Adoption Events are generally held on the first Saturday of the month from 11am – 3pm, at Pet Supplies Plus located in Warson Woods, 9995 Manchester Rd. 63122.  July, 2025 event date to be determined due to 4th of July weekend.
Other future Adoption Events to be listed here.


Trivia Night 2025

Come! Sit! Stay! Fall Fun!
PRN Trivia Returns!!
Date to be determined

Pet Rescue Network Trivia Night & Silent Auction was last held on Saturday, October 26, 2024.  This is historically PRN’s MAJOR fundraiser of the year. PRN thanks every person who supports us as we resurrect this night of fun and frolic, all to benefit animals in need Every little bit helps us to help the animals!
Trivia Night 2024 and Silent Auction was a huge success, and we look forward to a successfull Trivia Night 2025, date and location to be determined.


Giving Tuesday is held on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving.  The next Giving Tuesday will be on Tuesday, December 2, 2025

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